Thought that as organic farmers of creative potential. . .you would enjoy this
Love Christine
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Appreciation, Inspiration and Humility
Thanking you for your humility; grace and trust.
Through your courageous work as co-creator of the CCC experience, the inspiration is flowing for the discerning and defining of the new kind of leadership that we touched, trusted and experienced in transformations as we collectively worked and connected with each other in Leiden.
May we all embrace each other and move forward according to our own individual and shared connected pathways . . .
Much love,
Through your courageous work as co-creator of the CCC experience, the inspiration is flowing for the discerning and defining of the new kind of leadership that we touched, trusted and experienced in transformations as we collectively worked and connected with each other in Leiden.
May we all embrace each other and move forward according to our own individual and shared connected pathways . . .
Much love,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Things I recived after I have been at the Collective Consciousness Conversation
Horse comes in your life when great changes are coming up. New ways of living, thinking and working. Here you see the love a horse can give If you can connect to his wild spirit.
Aan al mijn verwanten “Mitakuye O Yasin” Peter de Haan
Meer weten lees hier over Horse Spirit en mijn avonturen:
Aan al mijn verwanten “Mitakuye O Yasin” Peter de Haan
Meer weten lees hier over Horse Spirit en mijn avonturen:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dance, Love, Sing, Live. . .
Dance as though no one is watching,
Love like it will never hurt,
Sing as though one is listening,
Live like there's only today.
'To express who you really want to be is one of the most challenging and exhilarating things to do. . it can also inspire others. Nothing leads like example.'
I hope you dance. . . .
Love Christine
Love like it will never hurt,
Sing as though one is listening,
Live like there's only today.
'To express who you really want to be is one of the most challenging and exhilarating things to do. . it can also inspire others. Nothing leads like example.'
I hope you dance. . . .
Love Christine
Love and Friendship
Source: www.youtube.com
"Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself ." ~Kahlil Gibran~ When we open ourselves to the heart of a friend or lover, we trust that we are cherished, loved unconditionally.
Monday, May 18, 2009

This needs to make headline news...not some of the other junk that makes the news these days!!!?
It's a tough, but heart-warming story...with a picture of John Gebhardt in Iraq
John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.
This is worth sharing with the WORLD! Go for it!!
You'll never see things like this in the news. Please keep this going. Nothing will happen if you don't, but the public needs to see pictures like this.
Democratic Leadership - the integral intention challenge
Is the challenge about compliance with the so called rules or maybe moving beyond - entering into a spirit of behaviours which works with the values of truth; honesty; trust and integrity?
These last two weeks have to say the least been interesting in the political life in the UK. Last week saw the 10th anniversary of Wales' devolution and the creation of the National Assembly for Wales - and this week the revelations about UK MP's expenses and the crisis of confidence that is emerging in UK parliament---issues of trust, integrity and truth being at the heart of the matter.
My father, a miner - who crawled on his hands and knees at that time to dig coal to feed his family, ensuring that I was the first in our family to have access to a university education and that others could follow would be turning in his grave now at the integrity and state of political leadership.
Being Welsh, I am passionate about rugby :-) as well as our little nation's potential for its emergence in the world. I wonder what the gifts of poetry, music, artistry and the celtic roots may contribute to us finding an identity in this emerging global village. Also 10 years into devolution - I have been having conversations about the role of leadership in this emergence and exploring the power of imagination in enabling the transformation of this very proud and humble nation. . .perhaps how we might invest and work collectively to support the next generation and address the legacies of poverty and health deprivation left in our valleys by the enactment of the industrial myths.
And then last week - I attended the inaugural Nehru lecture here in Cardiff organised by the Wales India Centre. I learned about and was inspired by the original intentions behind the establishment of the Indian constitution - 60 years old this year. The presentation by Lord Bhikhu Parekh touched on the importance of:
* the universal franchise, the vote becoming available to all at the same time
* embracing plurality and multiculturalism
* holding dissent and difference in perspective
* the importance of giving everyone a hope; a sense of dignity
* bringing the marginalised into mainstream and respecting difference
* working with the challenges of defining an identity and learning to embrace equality
The talk also made me think about scale and size - India employs the equivalent of the population of Wales in its electoral industry process alone!
So am wondering more about size, scale and impact and indeed as per Schumacher's writings 'Small is Beautiful' - whether we might act collectively here to create a sustainable future - especially since this week sees the launch of the 'One Wales - One Planet' strategy at the international book festival at Hay on Wye. Perhaps how we need to ground and act very locally - if we are ever to impact globally. .
My other reflections from the India experience are that democracy is one thing and the outcome is another -- over 600 million people in India live on below 2 dollars a day - so I am wondering about the challenges for a newly created government and its constitutional framework.
Wales - 10 years in - and I am questioning . . .? Perhaps this latest political crisis is indeed an opportunity to seize our day and wake up to the fact that we are co-creators in this society of ours. We are creating or destroying the community and sense of belonging - what are we choosing and therefore enacting? What is our intention? How are we integrating that into how we behave and how we live our lives on a daily basis?
Who is responsible? Stewardship and 'heriting' - mmm?
One of my best memories when I was a liitle girl was of being with my dad in his garden. He grew lots of vegetables to sustain us, but his passion was for his dahlia garden - I remember feeling I am so tiny these flowers are huge - he took much pride in his blooms :-)xxx
And as the world gets smaller through our technological capability - we can reach and touch many more now. I wonder what would happen if we were able to embrace these realities and challenges on our own doorsteps and beyond. Maybe to explore taking up our own personal leadership roles in our families and communities? And if this really is a global village - how might we embrace and learn with our neighbours with a spirit of love and compassion.
What might be our contribution and constructive action? Who are we as citizen leaders of our new world?
Learning as I travel. . with love Christine
These last two weeks have to say the least been interesting in the political life in the UK. Last week saw the 10th anniversary of Wales' devolution and the creation of the National Assembly for Wales - and this week the revelations about UK MP's expenses and the crisis of confidence that is emerging in UK parliament---issues of trust, integrity and truth being at the heart of the matter.
My father, a miner - who crawled on his hands and knees at that time to dig coal to feed his family, ensuring that I was the first in our family to have access to a university education and that others could follow would be turning in his grave now at the integrity and state of political leadership.
Being Welsh, I am passionate about rugby :-) as well as our little nation's potential for its emergence in the world. I wonder what the gifts of poetry, music, artistry and the celtic roots may contribute to us finding an identity in this emerging global village. Also 10 years into devolution - I have been having conversations about the role of leadership in this emergence and exploring the power of imagination in enabling the transformation of this very proud and humble nation. . .perhaps how we might invest and work collectively to support the next generation and address the legacies of poverty and health deprivation left in our valleys by the enactment of the industrial myths.
And then last week - I attended the inaugural Nehru lecture here in Cardiff organised by the Wales India Centre. I learned about and was inspired by the original intentions behind the establishment of the Indian constitution - 60 years old this year. The presentation by Lord Bhikhu Parekh touched on the importance of:
* the universal franchise, the vote becoming available to all at the same time
* embracing plurality and multiculturalism
* holding dissent and difference in perspective
* the importance of giving everyone a hope; a sense of dignity
* bringing the marginalised into mainstream and respecting difference
* working with the challenges of defining an identity and learning to embrace equality
The talk also made me think about scale and size - India employs the equivalent of the population of Wales in its electoral industry process alone!
So am wondering more about size, scale and impact and indeed as per Schumacher's writings 'Small is Beautiful' - whether we might act collectively here to create a sustainable future - especially since this week sees the launch of the 'One Wales - One Planet' strategy at the international book festival at Hay on Wye. Perhaps how we need to ground and act very locally - if we are ever to impact globally. .
My other reflections from the India experience are that democracy is one thing and the outcome is another -- over 600 million people in India live on below 2 dollars a day - so I am wondering about the challenges for a newly created government and its constitutional framework.
Wales - 10 years in - and I am questioning . . .? Perhaps this latest political crisis is indeed an opportunity to seize our day and wake up to the fact that we are co-creators in this society of ours. We are creating or destroying the community and sense of belonging - what are we choosing and therefore enacting? What is our intention? How are we integrating that into how we behave and how we live our lives on a daily basis?
Who is responsible? Stewardship and 'heriting' - mmm?
One of my best memories when I was a liitle girl was of being with my dad in his garden. He grew lots of vegetables to sustain us, but his passion was for his dahlia garden - I remember feeling I am so tiny these flowers are huge - he took much pride in his blooms :-)xxx
And as the world gets smaller through our technological capability - we can reach and touch many more now. I wonder what would happen if we were able to embrace these realities and challenges on our own doorsteps and beyond. Maybe to explore taking up our own personal leadership roles in our families and communities? And if this really is a global village - how might we embrace and learn with our neighbours with a spirit of love and compassion.
What might be our contribution and constructive action? Who are we as citizen leaders of our new world?
Learning as I travel. . with love Christine
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Power of Imagination; Poetry and Love in Action
What a wonderful week in my life, more dreams coming true, amazing creations and connections...conscious of a higher power than me at work, learning to be with and embrace it.
The first invitation this week from the man that still is in Australia - David McCallum about the Power of the Imagination in Transformational Leadership
David McCallum SJ is pondering this great article on leadership
Article by Michael Jones, March 2009 Integral Leadership Review
Source: www.integralleadershipreview.com
We are on the threshold of a renaissance in leadership practice—the challenges ahead are not technical but transformational. Letting go of our industrial age myths will require not just intellectual understanding but the full power of the imagination.
This triggered something deeper within me regarding my identity and role as a transformer in Wales and I decided to use it as a catalyst to create new conversations.
It was then followed by Karen Izod's sharing of this news clip regarding the Poet Laureat appointment - more opportunity for women to find courage and opportunities for their voices to be heard. . .
Kirsty Foster also on that same day shared some of her wonderful creative prose with me and then Anjet then shared this beautiful piece. .
The measure of love
“I have always wanted to know if I was able to love like you do,” said the disciple of a Hindu master.“There is nothing beyond love,” answered the master.
“It’s love that keeps the world going round and the stars hanging in the sky.”
“I know all that. But how can I know if my love is great enough?”
“Try to find out if you abandon yourself to love or if you flee from your emotions. But don’t ask questions like that because love is neither great nor small. You can’t measure a feeling like you measure a road: if you act like that you will see only your reflection, like the moon in a lake, but you won’t be following your path.”
So this has inspired me to share some of mine. .
Question why ‘Love’ causes chaos;
It reveals the truth and releases incredible energy.
Its success depends on how you choose to react.
It works best when you surrender to the flow;
To accept its grace and enjoy the beauty and bounty of life.
And this wisdom from the poet Machado. . .
'Life is a path that you beat while you walk it'
Just spent a wonderful 24hours with a member of our collective co-creator Susan Wilmot Josife who is very focussed on raising human consciousness, we were exploring enabling experiences for young people. We were contemplating the state of the world and were met with a poem in Peter Russell's book - Waking Up in Time
Love - The Gift of Peace
Love is not something you do,
Love is a way of being.
And more than that.
It is simply being.
Being with another person, however they may be.
Holding no judgements, having no agendas,
No desire to control,
No need to prove your love,
No intrusion upon their soul.
Nothing but a total acceptance of their being,
Born of your acceptance of yours.
Peter goes on with the discussion- - - 'Nevertheless, whatever the creature, the essence of consciousness or sentience remains the same: it is the essence of being aware, the light behind all experience. Seeing this, seeing that the consciousness within ourselves is the same consciousness that lies within all sentient beings, is the basis of universal love, a love for all creation.'
Hope to see and hear you on Facebook soon at the CCC page - just register and search for Collective Consciousness Conversation
The first invitation this week from the man that still is in Australia - David McCallum about the Power of the Imagination in Transformational Leadership
David McCallum SJ is pondering this great article on leadership
Article by Michael Jones, March 2009 Integral Leadership Review
Source: www.integralleadershipreview.com
We are on the threshold of a renaissance in leadership practice—the challenges ahead are not technical but transformational. Letting go of our industrial age myths will require not just intellectual understanding but the full power of the imagination.
This triggered something deeper within me regarding my identity and role as a transformer in Wales and I decided to use it as a catalyst to create new conversations.
It was then followed by Karen Izod's sharing of this news clip regarding the Poet Laureat appointment - more opportunity for women to find courage and opportunities for their voices to be heard. . .
Kirsty Foster also on that same day shared some of her wonderful creative prose with me and then Anjet then shared this beautiful piece. .
The measure of love
“I have always wanted to know if I was able to love like you do,” said the disciple of a Hindu master.“There is nothing beyond love,” answered the master.
“It’s love that keeps the world going round and the stars hanging in the sky.”
“I know all that. But how can I know if my love is great enough?”
“Try to find out if you abandon yourself to love or if you flee from your emotions. But don’t ask questions like that because love is neither great nor small. You can’t measure a feeling like you measure a road: if you act like that you will see only your reflection, like the moon in a lake, but you won’t be following your path.”
So this has inspired me to share some of mine. .
Question why ‘Love’ causes chaos;
It reveals the truth and releases incredible energy.
Its success depends on how you choose to react.
It works best when you surrender to the flow;
To accept its grace and enjoy the beauty and bounty of life.
And this wisdom from the poet Machado. . .
'Life is a path that you beat while you walk it'
Just spent a wonderful 24hours with a member of our collective co-creator Susan Wilmot Josife who is very focussed on raising human consciousness, we were exploring enabling experiences for young people. We were contemplating the state of the world and were met with a poem in Peter Russell's book - Waking Up in Time
Love - The Gift of Peace
Love is not something you do,
Love is a way of being.
And more than that.
It is simply being.
Being with another person, however they may be.
Holding no judgements, having no agendas,
No desire to control,
No need to prove your love,
No intrusion upon their soul.
Nothing but a total acceptance of their being,
Born of your acceptance of yours.
Peter goes on with the discussion- - - 'Nevertheless, whatever the creature, the essence of consciousness or sentience remains the same: it is the essence of being aware, the light behind all experience. Seeing this, seeing that the consciousness within ourselves is the same consciousness that lies within all sentient beings, is the basis of universal love, a love for all creation.'
Hope to see and hear you on Facebook soon at the CCC page - just register and search for Collective Consciousness Conversation
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