Friday, April 17, 2009

Constructive Action. .an invitation, a dance, a call. .

This is a message that I received last week and as a response to what our blog has evoked in others who were not present in Leiden. Allan Munn and Alasdair Munn are a Father and Son combination – having spent many years in Zimbabwe and both sharing a very powerful passion for constructive action on behalf of Africa. It humbled and excited me. .

‘Dear Christine

I was drawn to the blog that you listed for Alasdair, 'experiencing consciousness'.
There are some amazing concepts there and sincere people with valuable skills to communicate them.

This is a communication process very closely aligned to the rural African.
Survival in many rural communities in Africa depends upon collective thought.
Many African religious beliefs are grounded in collective wisdom and experience merged with
oral history, provided spiritually through and from the Ancestors.
They are the ones who already 'dance the dance'.

In African rural culture, the EGO is shunned. They have learned that there is little room for it
in a community that is collectively surviving.

I believe that Western societies are not primarily collective in their survival processes, rather they
tend to be self motivated, self centered and consequentially mainly driven by the EGO.
For me, in a collective society, which I sincerely believe is the only way forward for this planet, the human EGO is the destruction.
I feel very strongly about this and recently wrote this poem about the EGO, which you may like to share with me.


Love and fear are real
But there is no such thing as hate
Hate is born of fear, hiding in your head,
An ego marriage of the imagination and the mind.

And where do you want to be...
In your soul, in your heart?

Oh yes... but not in your ego head
We shall never connect there.
Remember, there is no hate
And that you are not scared of me,
You are scared of you.

I'm not sure if your fellow bloggers would be interested in this poem, or these thoughts
but if you think that they may be, then please share with them.’

And so I have shared with them. Thankyou Allan for this gift to the Conscious Collective, with which you are now connected. . .
Cariad Christine

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