Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CCC Cardiff...another wave emerging

Our sharing of our latest conversation as we prepare to host the space for our inquiry in Cardiff...

With love
Joao Pedro, Christine, Anjet, Zachary and Matthieu


Grounding in stillness the soft air of fire
The hearth where the earth of warmth
Brings quieter passions to heart.

Need to light the incense, where the energy
Draws us where we are not, frightened
Embracing the turbulence of water, air, and fire.

A furnace where there is a burning purity
For the conflicting dates present a field
Seeing, not looking with eyes to what is unseen.

Healing consciousness in the wider sense
Of justice, struck by what is excluded when invited
Making known the circle of disconnection in the emergence.

Feeling the sadness of what age carries and carries away
Clearly calling for tomorrow collectively to be present
To serve a bigger whole, connected once more to fire within.

Hidden, not able to be found while okay with who is there.
Looking again, rowing towards a destined distant shore…
Yes, maybe… not now, later… silence… stuck

Partly making pilgrimage to who will be present and not.
Trying to control the possibilities, explore the meaning
Of what it is believed to be so it can be released to be.

What is being called? What are we serving? What is the question?
The welfare of this planet at this time, noticing what experience
Is embodied existentially, shifting the field with accountable innocence.

Guiding the responsibility of the gentle shoots of active grace
Where the seeds of knowing drive a sensed self in the present moment
Creating the conditions to open an honest approach to what matters.

A sigh, for certain. All breathing, pausing. Critical mass of what could be
Different conversations in community, the intention revealed, short of breath
Enjoying the things to do in this world, energy of being driven and driving.

Understanding we must go through, blowing up an illusion, seriously questioning
Can I make a difference? Maybe differently than the way it was done before.
Greater forces at play. Losing the connection. Who is “I” when I act?

Reshaping at all levels, shifting inside to be with and surrender to the birth
Enabling the ties to untie, flowing underneath, surfacing the play
Moved and touched while fading and feeling, resonating and deepening.
Finding the mind space in the heart for what matters. Beginning a gathering
Of images that inspire and bring meaning with earth mothers and cocoons
That provide a way to find our way to think of what we never thought.

Ways to create space in the physical space that allows a live link to allow
Those who seek to participate in a collage of calling. Finished for now.
Beginning to begin.

CCC Minutes March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

CCC Cardiff...our emerging conversation

This is the essence of our recent discussion meeting as we prepare to host the CCC in Cardiff, let us know how it resonates with you...


Still struggling
Though it becomes a known norm
Where head and hearts and heels
Feeling ungrounded by storms
Returning home and regressing and advancing
Disorientation, panic, loss of control
In the same time and space
A calm

When is the storm coming again?

Resonance with the turbulent calm
As the middle blocks and shields,
Not connecting upward or downward
Mixed feelings with resignation and contracts
A call for less and a need for more
A cycle of return to the maternal
Wondering what needs to be born.

Drawing the lines between the numbers
Facing north, south, east, and west
With home on the back, like a turtle
Righting itself
With dark and light at the same time

The courage of being five points of star,
Trusting the difficult path to lead
The very act of breathing life
Knowing we will once more
Touch the divine, together

The deep difference between asking the question
On my own, a part from words that hold
A space that yearns for connections
Getting closer to an emerging field

Where the very messages from nature
That seek to speak for nurture
As gentle cries of an infant child
Now and there, where more of what
Is core beckons at that beacon of home
Rooted to earth from the nurturing womb

Natural cycles
Dynamic, softening as it happening
Meaning many things, questioning the questions
Feeling the images
The elements are what is alive.
Pushing us to be a living system.

Minutes of CCC meeting--- 4 March 2010

with love

Matthieu, Anjet, Joao Pedro, Christine and Zachary

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Need for New Leaders

Reading this latest issue of Resurgence, I felt impulsed to share with you:

'Mary Patterson is the Education for Sustainable Development Co-ordinator at Kingswood school in Bath, UK. She emailed Resurgence to share a poem by Tamsin Ireland, aged 14. Tamsin is an active and influential member of the school's Sustainable Development Committee and her innovative poem shows how important it is to see things from the right perspective. This poem won the 2009 Young People's Climate Change Conference competition.

We have to see things the right way round
There is no hope
It is not true that
It is always possible to get out of bad situations
We must acknowledge that
We have made many mistakes
Although in the past
We knew the consequences
We didn't change then even though
The air grew thicker and
Made the seas rise
Because of our lack of care in 2009 we
Have nothing left
It is wrong to believe that we
Can make a difference as individuals
All around the world people should know that we
Cannot bring back what we had
Even though we
Made an effort
As people together we
Became less and less powerful
The droughts,the hurricanes, the floods
Grew larger and larger
And our will to make things right
Disappeared completely before 2020
Selfish attitudes
Make things difficult for future generations
Some ways we found to create energy did not
Ensure that our children can live as well as we do
We must
Turn Things Around

Confused? Now read the poem from the bottom up again'

Let us take inspiration from Tamsin's work for us as a CCC community for 2010 and the next decade :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Paul Hawken

Dear all,

Paul Hawken delivered this wonderful commencement speech at the University of Portland earlier this year. If you want to be inspired and be reflective for a moment read it by clicking here. Or if you want to know more about Paul Hawken, click here - Paul Hawken - to visit his website.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CCC ...continuing the conversation - NEWS

Hello dear co-creators:-)

The next CCC is indeed in flow and the dates are now set for 18-21 May 2010 in the Wales Millenium Centre in Cardiff.

We are currently working on the preparation and themes for our conversation, already we are receiving innovative and exciting seeds and ideas for formation from amongst the collective - thankyou. We anticipate being able to share our invitations early in the New Year.

Meantime, we invite you to continue to be with us as is a poem that I was inspired to write following a shared experience with one from our connective collective, Karen Izod...

A Century of Time

Sitting, sharing, laughing and crying in the sunshine
Listening to the trickling, soothing song of the fountains
Noticing, feeling loved, peaceful, held, heard
Inquiring about the tradition and the trajectory.

Who am I; who are we; why are we
In this particular passage of time…now here?

Amongst the textures of slate, redbrick, stone, copper, glass and steel
Next to the inspirational offerings of the welsh craftsmen and women
Wondering about the century of time that is captured here
And what songs have indeed been sung over the horizons gone…

And in between,
The gleaming, proud tower and beacon of light, flowing with source.
What is this bold reflection mirroring to us now
in this moment of millennium time?

Christine Davies 10th Sept 2009, Cardiff Bay

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Continuing the Conversation with Intent

In each age, men of genius undertake the ascent. From below, the world follows them with their eyes. These men go up the mountain, enter the clouds, disappear, reappear. People watch them, mark them. They walk by the side of precipices. They daringly pursue their road. See them aloft, see them in the distance; they are but black specks. On they go. The road is uneven, its difficulties constant. At each step, a wall, at each step a trap. As they rise the cold increases. They must make their ladder, cut the ice and walk on it, hewing the steps in haste. A storm is raging. Nevertheless they go forward in their madness. The air becomes difficult to breathe. The abyss yawns below them. Some fall. Others stop and retrace their steps; there is a sad weariness. The bold ones continue. They are eyed by the eagles; the lightning plays about them: the hurricane is furious. No matter, they persevere.

Victor Hugo