Friday, June 5, 2009

Self, Society and Sustainability

' World conditions challenge us to look beyond the status quo for responses to the pain of our times. We look to powers within as well as to powers without. A new, spiritually based social activism is beginning to assert itself. It stems not from hating what is wrong and trying to fight it, but from loving what could be and making the commitment to bring it forth'

Marianne Williamson

As I was pondering on this today. .I picked up a book by David Whyte called 'Crossing the Unknown Sea - Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity' and there is a section in there called Shaping the Self. It contains a poem. .


We shape ourself
to fit this world

and by the world
are shaped again.

The visible
and the invisible

working together
in common cause

to produce
the miraculous.

I am thinking of the way
the intangible air

passed at speed
round a shaped wing

holds our weight.

So may we, in this life

to those elements
we have yet to see

or imagine
and look for the true

shape of our own self
by forming it well

to the great
intangibles about us.

With much love Christine